Specialist consultation (surgical, prosthetic)
Orthodontic consultation
Diagnostic consultation (endodontic)
General dental consultation
Preparation of a detailed treatment plan based on clinical examination, analysis of photographic documentation and radiographs, together with its presentation and discussion
Follow-up examination
Dental radiograph
Orthopantomographic (so-called panoramic) radiograph
Cephalometric radiograph
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) examination of the maxilla and/or mandible
Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) examination
Extraction of a permanent tooth
Extraction of a milk tooth
Extraction of a wisdom tooth (third molars)
Surgical removal of a retained tooth
Chiselling of tooth roots
Alveolar rinsing and application of topical medication
Microsurgical apical resection of a tooth root
Surgical exposure of a retained tooth for orthodontic treatment including bonding of a bracket
Dressing of a dislocated tooth (post-traumatic interventions)
Incision of an abscess, emergency visit
Surgical procedures include anaesthesia, atraumatic procedure, application of dressings, suturing, in addition to a visit during which the sutures will be removed.
Implant insertion (surgical part)
Implant splint for precise implant positioning (tooth implants)
Closed sinus lift
Open sinus lift
Alveolar augmentation after tooth extraction (preparation for implants)
Alveolar bone reconstruction using grafts of own bone and biomaterial
Treatments in the field of mucogingival surgery
Mucosal frenectomy of the lip/tongue
Plasticisation of hypertrophied mucosal folds (one arch)
Plasticisation of the oropharyngeal junction after tooth extraction
Patient referred for closure of the oropharyngeal junction
Biopsy specimen for histopathological examination
Enlargement of the gingival zone bound by a palatal graft
Thickening of the soft tissue profile with a graft from the palate
Plasticisation of the oropharyngeal junction after tooth extraction
Corticotomy - surgical procedure in support of orthodontic treatment
Corticotomy (in the range of 2-3 teeth)
Corticotomy (1 quadrant)
Corticotomy (entire arch)(2 arches)
Implant-supported restorations (implant-supported prosthetics)
All-ceramic crown supported on an individual abutment
All-ceramic crown supported on a hybrid abutment
Overdenture supported on two implants
Restorations supported on more than one implant
Immediate loading method for implants teeth in one day (all on four)
Denture without palate all on 4
Preparation for prosthetic treatment:
Removal of the previously used crown
Reinforcement of the tooth with a cast metal crown inlay
Reinforcement of the tooth with a glass fibre-reinforced root-crown inlay
Temporary crown made in the office
Temporary crown made in the laboratory
Removable restorations (dentures):
Full denture settling
Acrylic partial denture, partial settlement
Immediate partial denture (prepared before surgery, to be returned immediately after the procedure)
Frame dentures
Temporary crown made in the laboratory
Fixed restorations (fixed on the patient's own teeth):
Metal-ceramic crown
All-ceramic crown
All-ceramic veneer
Inlay/onlay/overlay all-ceramic crown inlay
Endodontics, Root-canal treatments:
Single-canal teeth (incisors and canines)
Two-canal teeth (incisors, canines and premolars)
Three-canal teeth (premolars and molars)
Four canal teeth (molars)
Repeated endodontic treatment
Removal of a broken instrument from the root canal
Removal of an "old" root-canal post
Strengthening of a single-canal tooth with a glass fibre-reinforced root-canal post
Strengthening of a multi-channel tooth with a glass fibre-reinforced post
Orthodontic consultation
Orthodontic diagnostics (impressions for indicative models, models, analysis of models, photos, radiographs, photographic documentation)
Presentation of treatment plan
Fixed Appliances
Fixed metal braces (one arch)
Fixed cosmetic appliances (one arch)
Self-ligaturing fixed appliance (one arch)
Follow-up visit for fixed appliance treatment
Removable binaural braces (biconcave)
Check-up visit for removable appliance treatment
Overlay appliance (invisalign clearcorrect drsmile type)
Placement of a filling in a deciduous tooth
Fluoridation - caries prevention
Sealing of molars
Endodontic treatment of a deciduous tooth
Complex hygiene treatment (supragingival and subgingival scaling, sanding, polishing, fluoridation, individual oral hygiene instruction
Deep scaling (1 arch), sanding, polishing, fluoridation, individual oral hygiene instruction
Treatment of tooth sensitivity (1 tooth)
Whitening with a lamp
Whitening with philips zoom
Aesthetic composite restoration in the area of one tooth (bonding, composite veneer)