Tannbroer, Tannlege i utlandet,
Tannbleking, Kjevekirurgi, Tannklinikk, Tannhelse, Tannferie, Tannbehandling i Polen, Tannleger i Polen, Tannimplantater |
Tannbehandling : Side << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > |
Treatment : |
Scaling |
X-ray |
It is not easy to forget either the X-Ray equipment in the form of a massive safe or an X-Ray examination room resembling a medieval torture chamber. Such devices are still being used by many contemporary dentists. Today’s medical technology projects a completely different image.
The X-Ray mechanism is the same, but the equipment presents itself much more patient-friendly.
It is also less radiation-intensive for them, resulting in only 10-20% (comparing to the traditional equipment) of the radiation being absorbed.
The modern X-Ray devices are also more environment-friendly, eliminating the need to use chemicals to develop the film. But the primary advantage lies still anywhere else.
Digital solutions do not consume time developing the pictures, allowing the effect to be visible on a computer screen – ready to assess, print, collect, or send via e-mail. |
Fillings / Caries |
Venners |
Root canal |
Kroner |
Broer |
Implantater |
Bone regeneration |
Dentures |
Dental surgery |
Periodontitis Treatm. |
Whitening /
Bleaching |
x-ray |
Photo :
Compare the prices :
a simple panoramic x-ray
will cost in Oslo 700 -800 NOK
e.g. PROJEKT USMIECH in Gdansk
will charge you 0 NOK |
Equipment |
Digital x-ray |
Mouth camera |
Computer tomograph |
Autoklav |
microscope |
camera |
Interoral-camera |
Anesthetic |
Imagine yourself sitting on a dentist’s chair. The doctor would like to explain to you the stages of the process he is about to start. You would normally not be able to see his work, but this is no longer an obstacle. In front of you there is a screen presenting everything that a doctor sees and is doing – not so exactly of course, since a man’s eye is of much higher quality than any digital equipment. Naturally, there is no compulsion to look at the screen and see the things that you do not wish the doctor to show you.
Individual pictures and the whole sequences can be saved on a CD which you may take home afterwards. |
Producer’s pictures of devices, the same or similar to which are used by our partner clinics. |
Laughing gas |
General anesthetic |
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With the aid of a Computer Tomograph and a 3D-CAD Computer software an exact planning of the insertation of implants is possible. |
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Anesthetic methods : |
You probably remember that part of your oral cavity is anesthetized during the treatment with a standard syringe injection. A lot of people are afraid more of the injection than of the treatment. Not only the job can be unpleasant – there are side effects involving oral cavity paralysis, limiting mimics or involving speaking problems for a certain time. Nowadays, such unpleasant things do not need to happen – there are a number of ways to avoid part or the whole pain in dental treatment. We do not consider the interesting alternative of hypnosis, we take into account only the technical possibilities the doctors have : |
"The Wand"
"Quicksleeper" |
Pain-free injections "without" a syringe
e.g. “The Wand” and “Quick Sleeper”
are only two examples of such solutions, but there are devices bearing other producer names, working at least at the same efficiency. The device is a little bigger than a pen and looks unlike any medical instrument. Imagine a pen touching your gums – not anything that is capable of scaring you, is it? Once the instrument touches your gums, it places a small amount of anesthetic on the surface. The dentist can operate the device with a foot pedal and monitor its activity with electronic sensors. Afterwards, a needle (unfortunately the process is not needle-free) is introduced into the gums, placing the rest of the substance into previously-desensitized areas. The desensitizer can be dosed accurately with the use of electronics and thus the side effects are minimized. Financially, this method of desensitizing is a minor expense (6-10€) and is usually included in the cost estimate. |
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"Laughing Gas" |
It is an old method of desensitizing, which is currently returning into popularity in the United States of America, but also in Poland. Your face is covered with a mask, which administers a pain-desensitizing gas. It is not to be confused with full anesthesia, since it works for a shorter duration of time and is administered only in smaller operations. Another name for the gas is “tranquilizing gas”, which describes its purpose more accurately. There have not been any reports of the gas having negative side effects, especially taking into account the short duration and the fact that your condition is constantly monitored. |
Foto EURO DENT, Gdansk |
General Anesthetics |
Allthough for no kind of dental treatment it would be necessary some of our partner dentists offers a treatment with general anesthetics. It is carefully undertaken under the surveillance of an experienced anethestetist.
Therefore it is necessary to inform us some weeks before your arrival to arrange all appointments. |
Tannbehandling : Side << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > |
Toppen av siden |
Tannhelse, Tannferie, Tannbehandling i Polen, Tannlege, Tannleger i Polen, Tannimplantater, Tannkroner, Tannbleking, Kjevekirurgi, Tannklinikk |